I confirm that I have made this application exclusively at my own initiative and that I have not been approached, contacted or solicited by INFINOX Global Limited or any party acting on its behalf.
I acknowledge I have read and understood the Risk Disclosure Policy which is provided online as part of this application.
I acknowledge that I have read, understood and accepted the INFINOX Client Agreement provided online as part of this application.
I understand that INFINOX will not provide me with any investment advice on transactions entered into on its platform(s).
I also confirm that I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the INFINOX Privacy and Security Policy.
I understand that personal information submitted as part of this application will be used to verify my identity with a third-party authentication service. I confirm that the information provided by me and inserted in this form is correct and that I acknowledge that I shall be obliged to inform INFINOX immediately in case of any changes to this information.
I confirm that I have acted in my own name as specified in this application and not on behalf of a third party in respect of all matters related to this client relationship. Accordingly, all funds to be deposited and traded in on the account with INFINOX are my own funds.
I agree to be bound by INFINOX's Fair Usage Policy.
I have read, understood and agreed to be bound by INFINOX’s Terms Of Use Policy.